Laurent ARNAUD (MD, PhD) is full Professor of Rheumatology at Strasbourg University (Unistra) & Academic Hospitals, France. His main clinical interests focus on the care of patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). He is leading a research group focusing on innovative strategies to study the epidemiology of autoimmune diseases, with a particular interest for the use of novel diagnostic and therapeutic digital strategies based on big data and Artificial Intelligence. With his team at the French National Reference Center for Rare Autoimmune Diseases of Strasbourg (CRMR RESO), he has contributed to more than 200 research projects in the field of rare diseases. Professor Arnaud is the President-Elect of the European Lupus Society (SLEuro) and Disease Coordinator for Lupus and relapsing polychondritis of the European Reference Network for rare diseases ReCONNET. He is the curator of a twitter account (@Lupusreference) about lupus education, followed by more than 12k people.