
Tena Brown

Tena is a passionate and unforgettable inspirational speaker, patient advocate, psoriasis consultant, and Empathy Coach. For more than 20 years she has motivated professionals and individuals alike with her insightful approach to the patient experience. Tena’s personal health experience places her in a unique position to elevate patient care.

Tena has created and conducted training for thousands of dermatologists, dermatology nurses and medical students, speaking at institutions such as the FDA, Mayo Clinic, Geisinger Clinic and other medical schools around the country. She has also presented at numerous residency programs. In fact, she is the only professional patient advocate to regularly deliver workshops at the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) national conferences. Her AAD workshop, “How to Have a Positively Unforgettable Office Visit”, has been one of the most highly rated and attended offerings at the conference for the past 12 years.

Her personal healthcare journey has given her a rare perspective that is informative, entertaining and always uplifting. Her presentation is guaranteed to touch your heart as well as prompt you to consider the “what if” in your life and will inspire you to become a positively unforgettable practitioner.
